Ally Bally, Ally Bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Mammy, gie's ma thriftie doon, Here's auld Coulter comin roon He's a basket on his croon Sellin' Coulter's Candy. Ally Bally, Ally Bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Poor wee soul your getting affly thin, A rickle o banes covered ower wi skin Soon you'll have a wee double chin Fra sookin Coulter's Candy. Ally Bally, Ally Bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Willie wept baith lang and sair, Till he got a penny tae share Noo he’s tumblin doon the stair Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Ally Bally, Ally Bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Poor wee Annie was greetin tae, What could poor auld Mammy dae? But gie them a penny atween them twae Tae buy mair Coulter's Candy. Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Here comes Coulter doon the street, The man the bairns aa like tae meet His big black bag it hauds a treat It’s full o Coulter's Candy. Ally Bally, Ally Bally bee, Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's Candy.
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Last updated 2025-01-25 01:04:37.