FSC Roundel

The Barley Mow

Here’s good luck to the pint pot, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the pint pot, Good luck to the Barley Mow

Oh the pint pot, half a pint, gill, half a gill,
 quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the half gallon, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the half gallon, Good luck to the Barley Mow

Oh the half gallon, pint pot, half a pint, gill, half a gill,
 quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the gallon, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the gallon, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the gallon, half gallon, pint pot, half a pint, gill,
 half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the half barrel, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the half barrel, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the half barrel, gallon, half gallon, pint pot, half a pint,
 gill, half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the barrel, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the barrel, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the barrel, half barrel, gallon, half gallon, pint pot, half a
pint, gill, half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the daughter, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the daughter, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the daughter, barrel, half barrel, gallon, half gallon,
 pint pot, half a pint, gill, half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin
 and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the land-lord, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the land-lord, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the landlord, daughter, barrel, half barrel, gallon,
 half gallon, pint pot, half a pint, gill, half a gill,
 quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the brewer, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the brewer, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the brewer, landlord, daughter, barrel, half barrel,
 gallon, half gallon, pint pot, half a pint, gill, half a gill,
 quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow

Now here’s good luck to the company, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Jolly good luck to the company, Good luck to the Barley Mow
Oh the company, brewer, landlord, daughter, barrel,
 half barrel, gallon, half gallon, pint pot, half a pint, gill,
 half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin and a round bowl
Here’s good luck, good luck, to the barley mow
Oxford Glee 2024-10 Download 1.75 MP3 file

Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.

Last updated 2025-03-25 09:09:21.