Bring us in no rum, for that’s a drink for sailors But bring us in hot tea, for that will never fail us So bring us in hot tea, hot tea And bring us in hot tea That’s what the blessed ladies make So bring us in hot tea Bring us in no cider, for that will send us reeling But bring us in hot tea, Earl Gray, Ceylon or Darjeeling Bring us in no schnaps, for they are made with brandy But bring us in hot tea, and a strainer would be handy Bring us in no home brew; we’re not inclined to risk it But bring us in hot tea,oh,and all right, just one biscuit Bring us in no gin, for that was mother’s ruin But bring us in hot tea, and put a lump or two in Bring us in no white wine, for that don’t cure no hot thirst But bring us in hot tea, and be sure to warm the pot first
Bring Us in Hot Tea | Not Recorded Yet |
Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.
Last updated 2025-01-25 01:04:37.