FSC Roundel

Cutty Wren

O Where are you going, says Milder to Malder,
O I cannot tell you, says Festel to Fose,
 We’re going to the green woods, says John the Red Nose
 We’re going to the green woods, says John the Red Nose
O what will you to there, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you, says Festel to Fose,
O how will you shoot her, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you, says Festel to Fose,
O that will not do, says Milder to Malder
O what will you do then, says Festel to Fose,
O how will you bring her home, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you says Festel to Fose,
O that will not do, says Milder to Malder
O what will do then, says Festel to Fose,
With what will you cut her up, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you says Festel to Fose,
O that will not do, says Milder to Malder
O what will do then, says Festel to Fose
O how will you boil her, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you says Festel to Fose,
O that will not do, says Milder to Malder
O what will do then, says Festel to Fose,
O who’ll have the spare ribs, says Milder to Malder
O I cannot tell you says Festel to Fose,
Build your fire of hickory, hickory, ash and oak
Don’t use green or rotten wood, they’ll get you by the smoke
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Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.

Last updated 2025-03-25 09:09:21.