Oh, aye, a rattling bog, bog down in the valley-O A rare bog, a rattling bog, a bog down in the valley-O And in that bog there was a tree, A rare tree, a rattling tree And the tree in the bog, and the bog down in the valley-O And on that tree there was a limb… And on that limb there was a branch… And on that branch there was a twig… And on that twig there was a leaf… And on that leaf there was a nest… And in that nest there was an egg… And on that egg there was a lion… And on that lion there was a mane… And on that main there was a ship… And on that ship there was a deck… And on that deck there was a cabin… And in that cabin there was a table… And on that table there was a map… And on that map there was a BOG Trad, Irish, c.1826
Rattling Bog | Caving 2025-02 |
Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.
Last updated 2025-02-22 00:13:03.