FSC Roundel

Shoals Of Herring

With our nets and gear we’re faring
On the wild and wasteful ocean
It’s there that we hunt and we earn our bread
As we hunted for the shoals of herring

Oh, it was a fine and a pleasant day
Out of Yarmouth Harbour I was faring
As a cabin boy on a sailing lugger
For to go and hunt the shoals of herring

Oh the work was hard, and the hours were long
And the treatment, sure it took some bearing
There was little kindness, and the kicks were many
As we hunted for the shoals of herring

Oh, we’ve fished the Swarth and the Broken Bank
I was cook and I’d a quarter sharing
And I used to sleep standing on me feet
And I’d dream about the shoals of herring

Oh we left the home grounds in the month of June
And for Canny Shields we soon was faring
With a hundred cran of the silver darlings
That we’d taken from the shoals of herring

Now you’re up on deck, you’re a fisherman
You can swear, and show a manly bearing
Take your turn on watch with the other fellows
While you’re searching for the shoals of herring

In the stormy seas and the living gales
Just to earn your daily bread you’re daring
From the Dover Straits to the Faroe Islands
While you’re following the shoals of herring

Oh, I earned my keep and I paid my way
And I earned the gear that I was wearing
Sailed a million miles, caught ten million fishes
We were sailing after shoals of herring
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Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.

Last updated 2025-03-25 09:09:24.