What’ll I do with my herring’s head? Oh what’ll you do with your herring’s head? I make it into loaves of bread Herring’s head - loaves of bread And all manner of things Of all the fish that swim in the sea The herring is the fish for me Away the day, away the day My Hinnie oh What’ll I do with my herring’s eyes? Oh what’ll you do with your herring’s eyes? I make them into puddings and pies Herring’s eyes - puddings and pies Herring’s head - loaves of bread Herring’s tail - barrel of ale Herring’s guts - pair of boots Herring’s scales - ship with sails Herring’s fins - needles and pins Herring’s back - fishing smack Herring’s gills - window sills And all manner of things Of all the fish that swim in the sea The herring is the fish for me Away the day, away the day My Hinnie oh Oh what do you think of such a thing? Haven’t I done well with my bonny herring?
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Last updated 2025-03-25 09:09:25.