The time passes over more cheerful and gay, Since we've learnt a new act to drive sorrows away. Sorrows away, sorrows away, sorrows away, Since we've learnt a new act to drive sorrows away. Bright Phoebe awakes so high up in the sky With her red, rosy cheeks and her sparkaling eye, Sparkaling eye, sparkaling eye, sparkaling eye, With her red, rosy cheeks and her sparkaling eye. If you ask for my credit you'll find I have none, With my bottle and friend you will find me at home. Find me at home, find me at home, find me at home, With my bottle and friend you will find me at home. Although I'm not rich and although I'm not poor I'm as happy as those that's got thousands or more, Thousands or more, thousands or more, thousands or more, I'm as happy as those that's got thousands or more.
Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.
Last updated 2025-03-25 09:09:25.