FSC Roundel

If I Were A Blackbird

I am a young maiden and my fortune is sad,
Many months I have been courting a fine sailor lad.
He courted me bravely by night and by day,
And now on a transport he sails far away.
If I were a blackbird I’d whistle, I'd sing,
And I’d follow the vessel my true love sails in.
High on the top rigging, I’d there build my nest
And lay all night long on his lily-white breast.
My love’s tall and handsome in every degree,
My parents they slight him because he loves me
So let them despise him and say what they will
There's breath in my body I'll love my lad still

He promised to take me to Donnybrook Fair
With a bunch of pink ribbons to tie up my hair.
If even I could see him I'd greet him with joy
And I’ll kiss the fond lips of my young sailor boy.

If I were a scholar, could handle my pen,
Just one loving letter to him I would send.
I’d tell him troubles my joys and my woe
And on the wings of a blackbird together we'd go.

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Email Tim to contribute songs or feedback.

Last updated 2025-03-06 20:57:30.